\n!version 0.9.3\n# dictionary\n## improve parsing results for KoreanEnglishDic in stardict\n## improve parsing results for Collins Cobuild in stardict\n## improve parsing results for cdict in stardict\n## ''support EPWING format dictionary files now''\n# Feature\n## add right click popup menu for AutoScan popup window\n## add find function for explanation windo\n\n!version 0.9.2\n# dictionary\n# feature\n## search stardict files in ./dict\n## move pydict dic file to ./dict too\n# internal architecture\n## restructure how to add DICTLIST\n## fix stardict search problem\n\n!version 0.9.1\n# dictionary:\n## add LOCAL dictionary file from pydict\n## add collins french-english: much better explanantion\n## ''read stardict files''\n\n!version 0.9\n# dictionary:\n## add ultralingua en-fr dictionary\n## add French Help French - Chinese dictioanry\n# feature:\n## use html way to display pronunciation in Yahoo dictionary\n## hotkey Ctrl-i / Ctrl-o to zoom in zoom out font size\n## now it's possible to copy or search words in explanation window\n## ''add french conjugator!!''\n## command line mode support -- no need to install wxpython\n\n!version 0.8.1\n# add launch web browser function (half done) need to add it to pref. now it's hardcoded.\n# add searching... in statusbar\n# fix goo parsing: better output\n# fix livedoor image url (make it absolute path)\n# fix cambridge cant search for words with accent notes (translate non-ascii characters before lookup)\n# fix cambridge: website uses html entities, which can't be shown correctly on wxpython's htmlwindow. so convert it into real character by change_htmlentity_to_unicode\n## also change the last line to ''return unicode(source,"latin_1")'' so that the characters can be shown correctly\n# add cambridge spanish -> english dictionary\n# add http://www.french-linguistics.co.uk/dictionary/ french -> english much faster search engine\n# add add autoscan words to history\n# remove image display in goo\n# add ultra en-fr dic.\n# change program icon according to scan status. MyTaskBar.py\n\n\n!version 0.7\n# fix livedoor parsing. better results layout now, with spelling\n# use left button to scroll popup window results\n# change phrase font color for Eijiro\n\n!version 0.6\n# take off dbus support under Windows\n# use ico under Windows (don't know why png does not work)\n# fix problem with export file name\n# add double click left button on popup window to increase font size\n# take off Stardict dictionaries under Windows (can't use sdcv\n\n!version 0.5\n# Add RAE Spanish dic\n# Add Cambridge French English dic\n# Add XMLittre French Dictionary\n# Add freedict fr en dictionary\n# Add several good stuff from stardict :p\n# Add export to Popupwindow and main Window\n# Add TV5 French definition dictionary\n\n!version 0.4.8\n# do not add repeated items\n# change background color of popup window\n# add <html><body></body></html> to source --> seems to load pages faster\n# add spanish and italian to English\n# add dbus support for toggle Scan or toggle main window\n# fix popup window position when it's near the edge of the display in order to show the whole explanation window\n\n!version 0.4.7\n#Add AutoHide to popup window\n#Add change font size with '=' and '-' for the html window\n#Add preference\n##font type\n##font size\n##dictionary selection\n##entry history\n##auto Scan\n\n!version 0.4.6\n#remove the OK button in Popup window, use mouse right button to close the window\n#now Popup window can be dragged to other place\n#fix popup problem.\n#Add Help Window\n\n!version 0.4.5\n#new icon for taskbar\n#put dictionary list to popup menu\n#add tooltips for dic items in menu\n#add shortcuts for dic items\n\n!version 0.4.4\n#try to use wxPython to do the UI part\n\n!version 0.4.3\n#Add Yahoo dictionary\n\n!version 0.4.2\n#Add sdcv Support\n#move windows position\n#new scanBrowser windows to show autoScan translations <-- should modify window properties in KDE to make it work fluently.\n\n!version 0.3\n#Add Label to quickly access dictionary combox: Alt-D\n#Add some Dutch dictionaries: Van Dale and others\n#Add select-auto-translate function: use timer to check selection area periodically\n\n!version 0.2\n#Add comboBox for selecting different dictionaries\n##Ultralingua Web\n##Goo Japanese Dictionary\n##Webster Dictionary\n#Add a thread to do the search action: better UI response\n#Select the entry when the search is done: easier for next search\n\n!version 0.1\n#basic search on Ultralingua Web\n
Daniel Kao<daniel.kao (a) gmail.com> from Taiwan
[[English Document]]\n[[中文文件]]
\n[[Download Link|https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=165450]]\n
! Installation\n[Windows]\n# download exe file.\n## if you want to have built-in pydict dicionary file, please choose exe with pydict\n## if you want to use online dictionaries only, or you want to download stardict dicitionries, please choose exe with no pydict.\n# run the Setup_onlinedictxxx.exe\n# run onlinedic.exe\n[Linux]\n# install python\n# install wxpython\n# install python-dbus\n# download zip file.\n## if you want to have built-in pydict dicionary file, please choose .zip file with pydict\n## if you want to use online dictionaries only, or you want to download stardict dicitionries, please choose .zip file with no pydict.\n# extract .zip to a folder\n# run it by input ''python onlinedic.py'' in command line\n! Usage\n[Main Window]\n# Program Icon\n** AutoScan on\n** AutoScan off\n# Menu\n** ''File''\n***Scan: toggle AutoScan on/off\n***Launch Browser: use browser to search\n***French Conjugate: show french verb conjugation\n***French de-Conjugate: show the original french word\n***Export: export explanation to a file\n** ''Edit''\n***Copy: copy the wod selected in explanation window\n***Search Selected: search selected word in explanation window\n** ''Pref''\n***Change Font: change font\n***Increase Size: increase font size\n***Decrease Size: decrease font size\n***Export...: change the export directory\n** ''Dictionaries in different languages''\n*** 0~6: dictionaries from internet with different languages\n*** 7: if you have stardict dictionary files under dict folder, this menu will be generated.\n** ''Help''\n***Help: detail information about these online dictionaries\n***About: who's the author\n# Dictionary ComboBox: quickly change dictionaries.\n# Text input field: Should I explain it?\n# Find: Start searching\n# Web: use the browser to search\n# Export: export the explanation to a file. (You can select what you want to export first instead of export all explanation)\n# Statusbar: (Show Searching... when starting search)\n\n[Popup Window]\n* When AutoScan feature is enabled, the popup windows will show up when words are copied..\n* ''Mouse Left Button on left-top area'' move popup window around.\n* ''Mouse Left Button on other area of the window'' scroll the contents ( in Linux, you can use mouse scroll too)\n* ''Mouse Left Button double click'' zoom in the font size.\n* ''Mouse Right Button on all area'' close the popup window.\n* ''Move mouse away from popup window'' close the popup window\n[~TaskBar Icon]\n* Icon will chane according the the status of AutoScan function\n* ''Mouse Left Button click on the icon'' show/hide main window.\n* ''Mouse Right Button click on the icon'' show the menu for toggling AutoScan, changing dictionary, or quit the program..\n
* ''Support EPWING dictionary files now''\n* ''Support stardict dictionary files NOW!!!''\n* Support built in pydict English-Chinese dictionary\n* Switch between different dictionaries easily\n* Selection Auto Scan support\n* Look up entry history\n* export explanation to files\n* font size change\n* panel icon support\n* Currently supported dictionaries:\n**YAHOO Yahoo: Chinese to English \n**Cam-FrEn Cambridge: French -> English \n**TV5-FrFr TV5 : French -> French \n**Fr-En Ultralingua: French -> English\n**Fr-Fr Ultralingua: French -> French \n**En-En Ultralingua: English -> English\n**Ge-En Ultralingua: German -> English\n**Il-En Ultralingua: Italian -> English\n**Sp-En Ultralingua: Spanish -> English\n**RAE Real Academia Española: Spanish -> Spanish\n**EIJIRO Eijiro: English <--> Japanese \n**LD_JE Livedoor: English <--> Japanese\n**LD_JN Livedoor: Japanese -> Japanese\n**GOO_JE Goo: Japanese -> English \n**GOO_JN Goo: Japanese -> Japanese \n**GOO_EJ Goo: English -> Japanese \n**WEBSTER Webster \n**VanDale VanDale: Dutch -> Dutch \n**Dutch1 Dutch1: Dutch -> English \n**Dutch2 Dutch2: Dutch -> English \n
onlineDic is a dictionary running on linux,BSD,Windows, Mac....\n*It supports Chinese,English,French,Japanese,Dutch,Spanish and more.\n*You can change between online dictionaries quickly.\n*Dictionary files from pydict, ''stardict'' or ''EPWING'' format are supported too.\n\nonlineDic是一個字典,可以執行在linux上,BSD上,Windows上,甚至是麥金塔上。\n* 它支援的字典語言有中文,英文,法文,日文,荷文,西班牙文和其他…\n* 你可以快速地在線上字典間切換\n* 目前還支援來自''stardict''的字庫或是''EPWING''格式的字典檔案;並有內建pydict字庫的版本。
[[Introduction]]簡介\n[[Feature]]功能\n[[Screenshots]]畫面\n[[Documentation]]文件\n[[Download]]下載\n[[Changelog]]更動\n[[Requirements]]系統需求\n[[Contact]]與我聯絡\n\n[[Site on SF|http://sourceforge.net/projects/onlinedic/]]\n<html>\n<a href="http://sourceforge.net/donate/index.php?group_id=165450"><img src="http://images.sourceforge.net/images/project-support.jpg" width="88" height="32" border="0" alt="Support This Project" /> </a></html>\n<html>\n\n<!-- Start of StatCounter Code -->\n<a href="http://www.statcounter.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://c24.statcounter.com/counter.php?sc_project=2431912&java=0&security=660e1814&invisible=0" alt="free web stats" border="0"></a> \n<!-- End of StatCounter Code --><br><a href="http://my.statcounter.com/project/standard/stats.php?project_id=2431912&guest=1">View My Stats</a>\n</html>
* Python (version >= 2.4)\n* wxPython (version 2.6.x)\n* dbus-python (on linux or unix-like system)\n
\n! version 0.9.2\n* French\n[img[http://farm1.static.flickr.com/209/465159416_1bef871265.jpg]]\n* 英漢\n[img[http://farm1.static.flickr.com/227/465165104_0b0b1e3e04.jpg]]\n! version 0.7\n* Spanish\n[img[http://farm1.static.flickr.com/175/439996380_0cb2901048.jpg]]\n* Japanese\n[img[http://farm1.static.flickr.com/171/439996382_61fdf98f24.jpg]]\n* popup window\n[img[http://farm1.static.flickr.com/186/439996370_2fd730117f_o.gif]]
! 安裝\n[Windows]\n# 下載 exe 檔案\n## 如果你想要有內建pydict字典字庫的話,請下載with_pydict的版本\n## 如果你想不想要內建pydict字庫,而想自行下載stardict字庫,或使用EPWING格式字庫,或僅使用線上字典的話,請下載without_pydict的版本。\n# 執行 Setup_onlinedictxxx.exe\n# 執行 onlinedic.exe\n[Linux]\n# install python\n# install wxpython\n# install python-dbus\n# download zip file.\n## if you want to have built-in pydict dicionary file, please choose .zip file with pydict\n## if you want to use online dictionaries only, or you want to download stardict dicitionries, please choose .zip file with no pydict.\n# extract .zip to a folder\n# run it by input ''python onlinedic.py'' in command line\n! 使用說明\n[Main Window]\n# Program Icon\n** AutoScan on\n** AutoScan off\n# 選單\n** ''File''\n***Scan: toggle AutoScan on/off\n***Launch Browser: use browser to search\n***French Conjugate: show french verb conjugation\n***French de-Conjugate: show the original french word\n***Export: export explanation to a file\n** ''Edit''\n***Copy: copy the wod selected in explanation window\n***Search Selected: search selected word in explanation window\n** ''Pref''\n***Change Font: change font\n***Increase Size: increase font size\n***Decrease Size: decrease font size\n***Export...: change the export directory\n** ''Dictionaries in different languages''\n*** 0~6: dictionaries from internet with different languages\n*** 7: if you have stardict dictionary files under dict folder, this menu will be generated.\n** ''Help''\n***Help: detail information about these online dictionaries\n***About: who's the author\n# Dictionary ComboBox: quickly change dictionaries.\n# Text input field: Should I explain it?\n# Find: Start searching\n# Web: use the browser to search\n# Export: export the explanation to a file. (You can select what you want to export first instead of export all explanation)\n# Statusbar: (Show Searching... when starting search)\n\n[Popup Window]\n* When AutoScan feature is enabled, the popup windows will show up when words are copied..\n* ''Mouse Left Button on left-top area'' move popup window around.\n* ''Mouse Left Button on other area of the window'' scroll the contents ( in Linux, you can use mouse scroll too)\n* ''Mouse Left Button double click'' zoom in the font size.\n* ''Mouse Right Button on all area'' close the popup window.\n* ''Move mouse away from popup window'' close the popup window\n[~TaskBar Icon]\n* Icon will chane according the the status of AutoScan function\n* ''Mouse Left Button click on the icon'' show/hide main window.\n* ''Mouse Right Button click on the icon'' show the menu for toggling AutoScan, changing dictionary, or quit the program..